・USB c voltage meter-- lcd displays the current, voltage and battery capacity on the same screen.
・Ammeter load tester-- the design is reasonable, easy to use and simple to operate.
・Digital current voltmeter-- you can buy this professional and practical current and voltage meter at an .
・Current monitoring power tester-- it has a scientific design structure, simple and practical, and easy to apply.
・USB ammeter detector-- as long as the USB port is plugged in, the real-time USB power charging status, and other indicators can be detected .
説明: Package List
2 x tester
- Color: Black, white Voltmeter Ammeter.
- Size: About 5.66x2.47x1.12cm/ 2.22x0.97x0.44 inch USB Power Meter Tester.
- Material: ABS, LCD Screen Digital Multimeter.
- It has a wide range of uses, and you can easily obtain voltage, current, capacity and other data through it Current Monitoring Power Tester.
- Unique design, long press the button can make the voltage correction Digital Current Voltmeter.
- LCD displays the current, voltage and battery capacity on the same screen USB Tester.
- Made with excellent craftsmanship, it has excellent durability and can provide you with a good experience USB Ammeter.
- The carefully crafted USB port has good stability and durability Current Voltmeter.
Goods Description
USB voltage meter through it.USB current meter It has a reasonable design and innovative current measurement.USB Battery Tester This is a volt-ampere meter, made of good materials, with excellent texture.USB tester This is a very practical detector that will bring you convenience.USB detector With practical functions, you can monitor voltage, current, capacity, power, etc
メーカー: Veemoon
ブランド: Veemoon
高さ: 4.0 センチ
幅: 4.0 センチ
奥行: 7.0 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
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